Monique Corkin

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Why I’m Moving this Jeans for Genes in August 

Becoming Teddy’s mum marked a profound shift in my life. Suddenly, this little boy’s health and well-being became my top priority. I would move mountains for him, just as I believe any parent would for their child.

It’s a sobering thought that 1 in 20 children are born with birth defects or genetic diseases like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and life-threatening metabolic disorders. 

My passion for medical research is fueled by these children and their families. I dream of a future where we can not only identify these conditions but also find cures.

This August, I’m taking a stand. I’m challenging myself to get active and raise funds for the Children’s Medical Research Institute. But this challenge isn’t just about fundraising for an incredible cause. As a mother, finding time for myself and for exercise, often feels like a luxury I can’t afford. So, this challenge is also about investing in my well-being, about taking a moment for myself amidst the chaos of motherhood.

This August, I’m not just moving for the Children’s Medical Research Institute. I’m moving for Teddy, for the 1 in 20 children, and for myself. I’m unleashing my inner superhero, and I invite you to join me. Together, we can champion the future of these incredible kids and help save more lives.

Get Moving, Raise Funds, Find Cures, Jean-ius! 

My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $50 raised, one hour of research is funded

Biggest Donor

Jean-ius Donor


Thank you so much to my biggest supporter, Natalie Corkin, for donating an incredible $158 to help fund vital research into curing children’s genetic diseases.

My Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors



2 weeks ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Kate Dickson

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Georgina Coutts


1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Alex And Kimberley

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Arthi Marthinus

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Glebren Xx

Way to go Moni! Such a wonderful cause, we are proud of you xx

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago



Go Moni! Love you

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Scott Borg

Congrats and great work Moni! Big love!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Denise Mansfield

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


David Sun

Go get 'em!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Katelyn Moore

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Helen Best

Awesome work as always Moni!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago



1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Alexander Mansfield

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Krisna Mckie

You go girl!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Natalie Corkin

Hi darling it’s you faithful donors sending you this to top up your fundraising.

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Rebecca Hawken

Go Moni!

1 month ago


Monique Corkin

1 month ago