Meagan Randall

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Jeans for Genes day, Bake it blue for Medine

I've signed up to Bake it Blue as apart of Jeans for Genes day in honour of my two year old girl, Medine. 

I believe that not only is medical research so important to get answers for any genetic condition but to raise awareness in general for unknown medical conditions. 

For those who don't know, at 5 months old Medine was having seizures and from there on it has been a ride. We have had multiple EEG's where wires are connected to her head to monitor brain activity, kidney and lung scans, ultrasounds on her heart, MRI's, eye tests and much more. 

Medine was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called Tuberous Sclerosis where she has multiple brain, kidney and heart tumours. She will need check ups and this condition will unfortunately affect her for the rest of her life but we push on for our beautiful girl. No one would understand what a family goes through with a child who requires extra care/support until they are in the position themselves. 


My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $50 raised, one hour of research is funded

Funds raised over the years