Jon's Story

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Why I’m doing Jeans for Genes

There is no doubt in the minds of parents Megan and Andrew that their son Jon would not be alive today without medical research.

“At first, we were told ‘your son will not walk’,’’ Megan said.  “Then ‘he won't sit’, then ‘he will die before his first birthday’. What the doctors were saying, just kept escalating. It just got more and more extreme.’’

Jon was diagnosed with the fatal condition,  Spinal Muscular Atrophy, where the nerves connecting to the muscles in his body slowly die.

Incredibly for Jon and his family, they soon learnt that there was gene therapy available for SMA.  This means one simple injection can replace the error in his DNA. Unfortunately, the treatment cannot repair the damage to the nerves that has already been done.

Jon suddenly was able to turn his head and lift his arms, and while he uses a wheelchair for mobility, he can confidently move himself around.

“It's still a tough road,’’ Andrew said. “But we do have him – that’s what the gene therapy has done – we still have him. It's exciting for Jon, but it's really, really exciting for children who are diagnosed at birth and are getting the gene therapy earlier. I mean, it is essentially a cure.’’

Megan said meeting the scientists at Children’s Medical Research Institute who are working on better outcomes for people with SMA was incredible.

“I think the exciting thing is that what they're learning through the trials with SMA can be applied then to a whole different range of diseases, and it's really opening up realms of possibility of what can be done for genetic diseases.’’

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19 Jun 2024 by Megan Beit

Meet Jon

My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $50 raised, one hour of research is funded

Funds raised over the years

Biggest Donor

Jean-ius Donor


Thank you so much to my biggest supporter, Tom and Helen Frame, for donating an incredible $500 to help fund vital research into curing children’s genetic diseases.

Thank you to our Sponsors


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Mary Liondi-barlow

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Penny Cook

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Sarah Ebbage

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Sandie Moore

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Daniel Valentine

Keep on rolling through those goals Jono! Megan is incredible and doing so much to support Jon and this cause!

1 month ago


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Phoebe Gordon

1 month ago


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For my beautiful boy 💕

1 month ago


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1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Tom And Helen Frame

A beautiful boy who has touched our lives

1 month ago


Felicity Robson

For a beautiful man and a beautiful family

2 months ago


Lykera Parker

Forever a shinning light little man 🩵

2 months ago