Tulliallan Primary School

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Why we are doing Jeans for Genes

We’ve signed up to Jeans for Genes to raise money for Children’s Medical Research Institute and help save more kids’ lives. 

Here's just one story explaining why this cause is so important:

Harrison was a healthy, active child, until one day out of the blue, “He wasn’t quite right, and then the next day he just stopped walking, and we knew something was very wrong,” said his father, Adam.

Doctors found something wrong with his blood, and when his parents were told it could be leukaemia “everything stopped.” As terrifying as that word was for them to hear, it got worse as Harrison’s case was unique, and it took many DNA tests to determine he had acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). They were lucky to get the right treatment after the right diagnosis, but it could have gone very differently if that work had not been done.

“Medical research is so important to get any answers for any genetic condition,” said his mum, Naomi. “For Harrison, the research done prior to him getting sick is what helped save our son. Research needs to continue so the next child diagnosed with a rare form of AML or any cancer—it can help them.”

We care about the 1 in 20 Aussie kids who face a birth defect or genetic disease, like cancer. Most people don’t know that cancer is caused by changes in genes—but almost everyone will be touched by it. So, the research you and I support today may one day help someone we know, someone in our family.

There’s lots of work to do, but there is also lots of hope.

Join us. Share this message. Donate. Thank You!

Our Impact

So far this year we helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $50 raised, one hour of research is funded

Funds raised over the years

Biggest Donor

Jean-ius Donor


Thank you so much to my biggest supporter, Elizabeth Seremetidis, for donating an incredible $158 to help fund vital research into curing children’s genetic diseases.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Tim Reid

1 month ago


Nevan Liyanage

1 month ago


Mark Dacanay

1 month ago



Thank you for raising money for such a great cause, truly incredible school.

1 month ago


Neelesh Susindran

1 month ago


Nithya Srinivasan

Good luck

1 month ago


Rachel Smith

1 month ago


Dildeep Singh

1 month ago


Nixon, Payton And Devon Petersen

1 month ago


Ryan Singh Sarna

1 month ago


Ryan And Azarya Thukral

1 month ago


Hailey De Silva

Thank you for the opportunity. I like supporting friends in need.

1 month ago


Year 4 Lc1

1 month ago


Peyton Treadwell

1 month ago



1 month ago


Secure Pool Inspections Pty Ltd

On behave of James Ramsay Grade 1H at Tulliallan Primary School. Who don't want to wear denim but his dad made him...

1 month ago



1 month ago



1 month ago



1 month ago


Stephen Mouettw

1 month ago


Amanda Westra

1 month ago



1 month ago



1 month ago



1 month ago


Weiping Du

1 month ago


Laura Waters

1 month ago


Mia, Eva And Tess Chalk

1 month ago


Reaz Kadannoli

1 month ago


Dhevesh Myouren

1 month ago


Biyon Jayasinghe

Biyon J

1 month ago



Kirana & Deandra Saputra

1 month ago


Rithvik Ramesh Kumar

1 month ago


Rand Shaana

1 month ago



Thanks for give us this opportunity

1 month ago



1 month ago


Agha Ali

1 month ago


Anna John

1 month ago


Elizabeth Seremetidis

1 month ago



1 month ago


Shivaay Saini

1 month ago


Layla And Brooklyn Morrison

1 month ago


Vanshika Sharma

1 month ago


Nate A

1 month ago



1 month ago


Malvinder Singh

1 month ago


Luka, Alex & Mia & Mia

1 month ago


Joshua Ryu

1 month ago



1 month ago


Thinuka Wickramasinghe

1 month ago


Thinuka Wickramasinghe

Hopefully they will get better

1 month ago


Tanya La Marca

1 month ago


Jaden S

1 month ago


Amadi Aldeniya

1 month ago



1 month ago


Evidu Wijendra

1 month ago


Nina Tabada

1 month ago


Hudson & Scarlett Mortimer

1 month ago


Kapilan Arun

1 month ago



Be kind to all

1 month ago


Antonella Laidlaw

1 month ago


Scarlett And Isabella Bolt

1 month ago


Carol Bellinger

1 month ago


Micah N

1 month ago



1 month ago


Tinashe Magaba

1 month ago


Jessica Madi

1 month ago



1 month ago


Naira Jagpal

1 month ago



1 month ago



1 month ago


Cienelle Ramirez

1 month ago


Prep F

1 month ago


Callum (2d) And Tristan (prep H)

From Callum (2D) and Tristan (Prep H)

1 month ago


Brooke And Quinn Misquita

1 month ago


Leo Geysman

Great cause :)

1 month ago



1 month ago



1 month ago


Lauren Savva

1 month ago


Finnegan Poletko

1 month ago



Shreehan would like you help as well

1 month ago



1 month ago



1 month ago


Hudson Fraser

1 month ago


Ella Fraser

1 month ago



1 month ago



1 month ago



1 month ago



1 month ago



1 month ago


Ihaka Family

1 month ago


Anaya Mann

Anaya Mann from 4 I

1 month ago


Logan Bakhtiar

1 month ago


Niya Bhullar

1 month ago


Baaz Singh

1 month ago


Oliver & Lucas

1 month ago


Castles Family

1 month ago



1 month ago


Aaliyah Randell

1 month ago


Tirana & Dimitri Burns

1 month ago


Grace And Emma Shepherdson

1 month ago


Emanuel Sandhu

1 month ago


Chix Bai

1 month ago



1 month ago


Patricia Leger

1 month ago


Tevin Mulleriyawa

1 month ago


Smarnika Rao

1 month ago



Harjas pabla 5E

1 month ago



Naureen pabla 3D

1 month ago