Walk For Katie

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Why we’re doing Jeans for Genes

Just 8 months ago, I lost my precious Daughter Katelyn to Congenital Long QT Syndrome Type 2.
LQTS2 is also known as SADS - Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome—the adult version of SIDS.

Since we were diagnosed 10 years ago, Katelyn became a passionate supporter of Jeans for Genes in the hope that one day our family would be free of this burden that changed her life forever at the tender age of 11. This photo is us walking the 6kms in 2022. Since it was identified in our family, we have many others now diagnosed including my brother, mother, cousins, aunts and uncles. It does not skip a generation, but my 2 sons do not have it thank goodness.

Katelyn had just ventured on her first solo adventure, loved her new job, and was booked in to get her green Ps. She had survived her HSC in 2020, missed her Formal and so many other milestones due to Covid being such a risk to our health, but had somehow kept her amazing generous, kind, and loving passion for family and friends.

Katelyn's other loves were painting, photography, and music. Photos of sunsets, portraits of pets, and the sound of her voice as she would learn her new favourite song still echo from her room.

And the most perfect reason to smile was on his way. Her first nephew, our first Grandchild, was due any day. My very last photo of Katelyn was the day of the gender reveal. Just weeks before. Her excitement for her brother having a son was all she talked about for days. 

On the 6th of November, my world shattered. 
Katelyn passed away in her sleep, due to a cardiac arrest.

On the 15th of November, Katelyn's nephew was born.
On the same day, we held her hand for the very last time.
It was a day that brought me to my knees, and I remember saying to my son weeks later that if life is a roller coaster, we rode it that day.
His reply was perfect.
He said, " Mum, we rode it standing up with no seatbelt!"

On the 17th of November, our precious Katelyn, was laid to rest. 

I don't remember most of the 4 weeks of that time, but I do remember that I literally had to learn to walk again. 

And walk I will.

This Jeans for Genes Day I will commit to walking 150kms during August. I will average 5kms a day, and know my beautiful girl will be beside me every step. 

I know Katelyn will be my biggest inspiration.
I always tell her, "Your smile lights up the world"
And I will see that smile in every sunrise as I walk. 

Our Impact

So far this year we helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $55 raised, one hour of research is funded

Thank you to our Sponsors


Rachelle Austin

1 week ago


Jaycob Clarke


1 week ago


Bronwyn O’connor

In memory of those lost and support to those left behind 💙

2 weeks ago


Wayne Bradley

Mr. Brad ❤️🦋

2 weeks ago


Ritchies Iga

Xx ❤️ xx

3 weeks ago


Wendy & Dick

4 weeks ago


Ann Charleston

4 weeks ago


Debbie Purtill

Amazing 😘😍❤️

1 month ago


Jacquie Haw

We are all proud of you Kerrie and following your every step forward xx

1 month ago


Vicki Beames

1 month ago


Taylor Peers

1 month ago


Debbie Howe

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago



1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Narelle Leitch

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago



1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Barnes Danelle

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago



Hope in a small way my donation can help

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


John Temlett

1 month ago


Tig Young

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been matched!

1 month ago


Tom Rourke

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been matched!

1 month ago


Chris Mulham

Always thinking of you and the family Kez ❤️

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Bradley Renwick

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been matched!

1 month ago


Jaycob Clarke

1 month ago


Kerrie Godfrey

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been matched!

1 month ago