Shire Doctors and Dentists

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Why we're Moving this Jeans for Genes in August

We have signed up to MOVE this Jeans for Genes to raise funds for Children’s Medical Research Institute and help save more kids’ lives. Thank you for supporting our team!

This August we are unleashing our inner superhero and challenging ourselves to get up and get active, to raise awareness and funds for the 1 in 20 kids, with genetic diseases like cancer, who face their challenge every single day.

By participating in MOVE this Jeans for Genes, our team are not only investing in our own well-being but also championing the future of these incredible kids.

Here's just one story explaining why this cause is so important: 

Harrison was a healthy, active child, until one day out of the blue, “He wasn’t quite right, and then the next day he just stopped walking, and we knew something was very wrong,” said his father, Adam.  

Doctors found something wrong with his blood, and when his parents were told it could be leukaemia “everything stopped.” As terrifying as that word was for them to hear, it got worse as Harrison’s case was unique, and it took many DNA tests to determine he had acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). They were lucky to get the right treatment after the right diagnosis, but it could have gone very differently if that work had not been done. 

 “Medical research is so important to get any answers for any genetic condition,” said his mum, Naomi. “For Harrison, the research done prior to him getting sick is what helped save our son. Research needs to continue so the next child diagnosed with a rare form of AML or any cancer—it can help them.” 

We care about the 1 in 20 Aussie kids who face a birth defect or genetic disease, like cancer. Most people don’t know that cancer is caused by changes in genes—but almost everyone will be touched by it. So, the research we support today may one day help someone we know, someone in our family. 

This August we will face our challenge, to support the 1 in 20 kids that face their challenge every single day.

We can all be superheroes for these kids. Together let's make August a month of action, one heroic move at a time! 

Get Moving, Raise Funds, Find Cures, Jean-ius! 

Our Impact

So far this year we helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $55 raised, one hour of research is funded

Thank you to our Sponsors



T DAWGG get skipping since it’s in your name Proud of you

1 month ago


Gavin Gocher

1 month ago



Skip a de dippety Paige!

1 month ago


Bella Mahoney-smith

So proud of what you’re doing girlie, happy to support in any way possible xx

1 month ago


Pamela South

1 month ago



Have fun skipping Paigey, don’t lose count :)

1 month ago


Zoe Clifford

Go Paigey!

1 month ago



proud of youuu you’re amazing!!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Rowena Austin

Go my Tas-zie!!!!! xxx Good luck in your fundraising and you are amazing for supporting such a great cause. Love Adopted Aunty Row and Troy xx

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago



1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago



Go you 👏🏻

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Jesse Allen

Continue to support your people

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago



Keep on skipping Taz! 🥇

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Philip Coopet

Mow your lawn!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Michael Gocher

Go paigey

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Patrick Mehr

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Ali Iranzadi


1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Mahgol Mastali

We are proud of you my friend.

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago



It’s yah boiiii!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Hayley Hunter

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago



1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago



1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Emma Cross

1 month ago


Maz Gorjipour

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago



Go Paigey! 🧬

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Ben Rodriquez-vars

More jeans please

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Ayelen Zalazar

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago



Go Paigey!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Cathy Hitchings

Hi sar I have donated. Good luck xx

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Kristen Devane

Amazing effort SDD

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago



1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Samara Colley

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago



Enjoy your skipping Paige :) good on you!!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Ethan Henderson

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Lauren Coniglio

❤️ good luck!!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Dan Smart

Go girlfriend

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago



Go girl 👖

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Brendan Bollard

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Brendan Bollard

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Lauren Smith

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Kylie Jayne

So proud of you my baby girl 👖💕

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Lara Proctor

Awesome work Paige 🥳

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago



♡ Ange and Bazza

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Kerrie & Greg South

Go get ‘‘em girl. So proud of you

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


James Cooper

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Sandy Le

Proud of you x

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Mary Clifford

1 month ago


Matched Gift

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1 month ago


Paige Clifford

1 month ago