Jeans for Genes

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Why I’m doing Jeans for Genes’ Bake it Blue

I’ve signed up to do Bake it Blue. This raises money for Children’s Medical Research Institute and helps save more kids’ lives.

The research the Children's Medical Research Institute do is extremely close to my heart.
My children have the potential to carry the FAP (Familial Adenomatous Polyposis), they will undergo testing at age 10 and may then need Colonoscopies every 12 months - 2 years for the rest of their lives. If left untreated they have nearly a 100% chance of developing colorectal cancer if the polyps are not removed. A diagnosis of FAP also increases the risks of developing other types of tumours, so ongoing cancer screening is essential.

Help increase the knowledge and awareness of Genetic Diseases, disorders and birth defects.

Please help by sharing this message with the people you know and asking them to donate too?

I care about the 1 in 20 Aussie kids who face a birth defect or genetic disease, like cancer. Most people don’t know that cancer is caused by changes in genes—but almost everyone will be touched by it. So, the research you and I support today may one day help someone we know, someone in our family.

There’s lots of work to do, but there is also lots of hope.

Join me. Share this message. Donate. Thank You!

My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $50 raised, one hour of research is funded

Funds raised over the years