Monique-Jane Brown

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'Gee your boys look like you. Thanks, it's a syndrome'
For years, before we were diagnosed, Patrick & I would be told about how alike we look.
We thought nothing of it, of course we look alike, we're Mother & Son!

After receiving our diagnosis, we had a 'why' a reason for looking soooooo similar.

When people remark about how similar Patrick & Angus and I look now, I reply with 'thanks, it's a syndrome' which usually gets a chuckle.

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18 Apr 2024 by Monique-Jane Brown

Giving TRPS a voice

Since Angus was born, even since I was pregnant & we knew he had inherited TRPS from me, I've been advocating for him and educating everyone we encounter about TRPS.

I didn't have this knowledge when Patrick was a baby, so I couldn't be his voice.

What Jeans for Genes allows me to do is to raise funds & awareness about TRPS for both my boys, and for myself. And for any Grandchildren I may have in the future that might be affected.

Please help me to give TRPS a voice, and spread the word about why we look so alike.

My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $55 raised, one hour of research is funded

Thank you to our Sponsors


Monique-jane Brown

2 weeks ago