Leigh Dobson

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Why I’m doing Jeans for Genes

We’ve signed up to Jeans for Genes to raise money for Children’s Medical Research Institute and help save more kids’ lives. 

Jonah was diagnosed with Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome caused by a defective Rapsyn gene, when he was 11 months old. This condition is extremely rare and affects 1 in 500,000 people. After spending alot of his first year in the ICU at RCH on ventilators due to not being able to fight, or breathe through, any illnesses, he was finally diagnosed after extensive testing. He currently takes 19 tablets per day to keep his muscles working and uses a wheelchair to get around to help save his battery. 

We care about the 1 in 20 Aussie kids who face a birth defect or genetic disease, like Jonah. Thankfully the work the scientists do at CMRI has ensured that Jonah is still with us today. So, the research you and I support today may one day help someone we know.

There’s lots of work to do, but there is also lots of hope.

Join me. Share this message. Donate. Thank You!

My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $50 raised, one hour of research is funded

Funds raised over the years

Biggest Donor

Jean-ius Donor


Thank you so much to my biggest supporter, Craig Robbins, for donating an incredible $104 to help fund vital research into curing children’s genetic diseases.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Tash Graham

1 month ago



1 month ago


Craig Robbins


1 month ago


Jackie Barber

1 month ago


Michelle Hunter


1 month ago


Ebony Papageorge


1 month ago


Marina Henare

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Renee Beecham

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Kylie Stephens

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


The Freemans

All our love, The Freemans ❤️

1 month ago


Laurelle Seamer

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Joanne Bottin

Love you Jonah, you champion xx

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Annie Chidlow

1 month ago


Jayne Taylor


1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Jenny Dridan

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Sue And John Dobson

Lots of love from Nan and Grandad Jonah xxxx

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Jenna Millanta

Love you Jonah ❤️🐳

1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Kelly Hardy


1 month ago


Matched Gift

Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!

1 month ago


Leigh Dobson

For our warrior Jonah xx

1 month ago