Jennifer Wojcicki

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Why I’m doing Jeans for Genes’ Bake it Blue

I know the cost of living is a lot these days and it isn't getting any easier. Unfortunately though diseases don't take a holiday and continue to disrupt lives and upset families even at the hardest times. 

I have so many friends with beautiful children, and even though thankfully nothing has happened to them, if anything does I would want and hope that everything could be done to help make them better. 

If my small contribution of 'Baking Blue' can help, along with any donations from you, large or small, thats one step closer to making tough times easier if we ever experience them.  

I know times are hard but I'd love and appreciate your support in any aspect :)

My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $50 raised, one hour of research is funded

Funds raised over the years