Swim for Ev

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Why I’m doing Jeans for Genes

I am partipating in the 2024 Rotto Swin to raise funds for a special little girl called Everleigh, who has WOREE Syndrome. There are only 8 cases documented in Australia. 

Everleigh will never be able to walk, talk, feed herself, toilet herself or live independently. She has 30+ seizures everyday, needs a nasal gastric tube to feed and depends on her parents for all daily activities & needs. 

I am raising much needed to funds, to help find a cure for these genetic conditions.

I care about the 1 in 20 Aussie kids who face a birth defect or genetic disease. That’s one in every classroom, maybe someone you know or love. Every day, many of these kids wake up to pills, injections, hospital visits (or worse). They never get the chance to run around and just be kids. If they can endure that, and keep smiling, then the least I can do is fight alongside them. That’s why I’m doing Jeans for Genes and raising money for Children’s Medical Research Institute. I want to give these kids better treatments and maybe even a cure.

I’ve signed up to do my own thing, so I can raise awareness and start the conversation—we need to do all we can to help save more kids’ lives. Can you help by sharing this message with the people you know and asking them to donate too? I (and millions of Aussie kids) thank you for it!

Here's just one example of how, together, we can change things:

You might think you won’t need this research, that it’s not personal, but genetic diseases are a ticking timebomb. Most families don’t know they carry the gene for a disease, and many genetic diseases are not even inherited—they happen randomly, out of the blue. Like Kalarny’s. Like cancer. Most people don’t know that cancer is caused by changes in genes—but almost everyone will be touched by it. So, the research you and I support today may one day help someone we know, someone in our family.

There’s lots of work to do, but there is also lots of hope.

Join me. Share this message. Donate. Thank You!

My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $50 raised, one hour of research is funded

Funds raised over the years


Jean-ius Donor


Thank you so much to my biggest supporter, Fitzy, for donating an incredible $151 to help fund vital research into curing children’s genetic diseases.

Thank you to our Sponsors



7 months ago


Simon And Kim Scott

7 months ago


Dale Simmons

Well done mate

7 months ago


Angus Scott

7 months ago


Jack Beer

7 months ago



7 months ago




7 months ago


Jake & Isabella

Good work team Lushy 💪

7 months ago


Jessie Carter

Good work Hushy. Thinking of little Everleigh and her family x

7 months ago


Louis Florisson

8 months ago



8 months ago


Chenay & Jye

Amazing work dude!!

8 months ago



8 months ago


Daniel Acres

9 months ago


Ronda Edmondson

Hushy you’re a legend!!

9 months ago



9 months ago


Christie Buttigieg

10 months ago


Kirstyn Hush

Proud of u bro 🙌🏽

10 months ago


Cody Rees

10 months ago


Ronda Edmondson

Good luck Hush man, awesome effort. Hugs from the bar wench CfC 💛🖤

10 months ago


Moltoni Olivia

10 months ago


Jayden Gregory

On ya hushy!

10 months ago


Brandon Hush

10 months ago


Stevens Family

Wish all the best

11 months ago


Derek Adams

11 months ago


Nicole Hush

Proud of you!

11 months ago


Ruth Buttigieg

11 months ago


Access Cleaning Service

All the best Hushy. Great thing you are doing for a good cause.

11 months ago


Jones And Cole Family (matt, Georgia, Quinn And Sienna)

Go Brandon and Ev!

11 months ago