あなたの寄付が4倍になる!Quadruple Donation Day with Katsuda Synergy Lawyers
CMRIは、オーストラリアで最先端の遺伝子治療研究機関です。目の病気や難病に限らず、20人に1人は何らかの遺伝子性の病気を患うと言われています。CMRIは特に子どもの遺伝子疾患の研究に焦点を当て、遺伝性の心臓病や小児がんに苦しむ子供のための遺伝子治療の研究をしています。その後、色々なご縁があり、息子が今年のJeans for Genesのキャンペーンに参加する5人の子どもの内の1人になりました。
カツダ・シナジー・ロイヤーズとして何かできるかを考えて、「あなたの寄付が4倍になる、“Quadruple Donation Day”」を考えました。
日頃お世話になっている皆様に、またお力添えをいただくことになりますが、一緒にJeans for Genes Dayを盛り上げていければ幸いです。
My Impact
So far this year I helped provide...
Hours of research
For every $50 raised, one hour of research is funded
Funds raised over the years
Jean-ius Donor
Thank you so much to my biggest supporter, SUSHI SAMURAI GROUP, for donating an incredible $770 to help fund vital research into curing children’s genetic diseases.
Thank you to our Sponsors
Sushi Samurai Group
Kesra Ceyhan
Narelle Macdonald
Tsuyoshi Endo
Taka Asano
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Katsuda Synergy Lawyers
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Scs Global Consulting Australia Pty Ltd
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Saku Sunakawa
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Katsuda Synergy Lawyers
Huge thank you for your continuous support for Arato and kids with genetic conditions!!
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Akemi Itabashi
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Parlor Mica Pl
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Age Chaco Pl
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Bondi Chan Pl
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Keita Abe
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Chaco Box Pl
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Wish you all the best
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Make a wish!
Murasaki Pty Ltd
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Yohei Yao
Rumiko Koike
Your incredible accomplishments in blind tennis inspire me greatly, and you are a true inspiration. I hope you have a great match to showcase your abilities at the international blind tennis championship in Italy. I will be cheering you on to even greater success!
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Yosuke Higuchi
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Ichiro Nakane
Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Tomonori Takei
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Timothy Green
Thank you CMRI for all of the hard work you are doing to discover treatments for children with genetic conditions.
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!
Matched Gift
Your donation has been doubled by our sponsors!