Harrison's Story

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Why I’m doing Jeans for Genes

When Naomi and Adam’s confident young toddler suddenly stopped walking one day – they never imagined the nightmare that would follow and hearing the words that every parent dreads.

“I walked into the hospital room and Adam said they would like to rule out the worst case scenario, which was leukaemia,’’ Naomi said. “And at that point everything stops.”

One day Harrison just stopped walking, complained of a sore leg, and developed a temperature. They were told by their GP to monitor him and if he didn’t improve to go to hospital. It was after being up with Harrison in pain, all night, that they called an ambulance.

“The haematology team came in and spoke to us,” Adam said. “They explained ‘this is what we're searching for, it's going to be cancer potentially’. And soon as you hear that word, you know, it's never a good word for any parent to hear.”

It was genetic testing that revealed Harrison had acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.

Adam said the research that helps oncologists choose the course of treatment is vital.

“The time the doctors took to get it right was definitely really important because we got the right treatment for Harrison, and it worked. Had this information not been known and we had started on a different treatment plan - who knows -he might not be here today.”

“For Harrison, given the complexity of his cancer, and how difficult he was to diagnose, to have him respond so well to treatment – to be in complete remission after six weeks – that was beyond anything that we had ever thought.”

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19 Jun 2024 by Adam Steele

Meet Harrison

My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Hours of research

For every $50 raised, one hour of research is funded

Funds raised over the years

Biggest Donor

Jean-ius Donor


Thank you so much to my biggest supporter, Honey Bears Early Learning Centre, for donating an incredible $655 to help fund vital research into curing children’s genetic diseases.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Honey Bears Early Learning Centre

1 month ago


Harvey Norman Commercial

1 month ago


Harvey Norman Commercial Somersby

1 month ago


Stephanie Lee

2 months ago


Aulani Vasquez

2 months ago


Natalia Martin

well done :)

2 months ago


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Shane Marchant

2 months ago


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Carole Geier

2 months ago


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Robyn Sharp

2 months ago


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2 months ago


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2 months ago


Terry Ng

A great and meaningful initiative. Well done.

2 months ago


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2 months ago


Joseph Pulvirenti

2 months ago


Amy Thomas

2 months ago


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2 months ago


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2 months ago


Sal Robson

All the best for achieving all your goals! You can do this!

2 months ago


Ayesha And William

You mighty warrior Harrison! Hoping our contribution helps other children to have the same outcome as you 💕

2 months ago


Isaac Kim

What a champion and what a great cause. Well done on the victory Harrison!

2 months ago